“Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family … in another city.”
[George Burns]
Welcome to The Lucchino Family web site. Come in, sit down, have some food … but don’t spill any on the keyboard! In some families, the less you know about your history the better, but that’s not the case in ours. I know of no unseemly skeletons in our closets … nor any spectacular wardrobes either. In fact, considering the number of offspring from the original ancestors and the challenges that took them from rural southern Italy to upstate New York, you might expect to find at least a few famous figures – a Joe DiMaggio or an Al Capone. But no, it seems the only distinguishing feature in our family has been the ability to make and consume large quantities of really great food.
When my grandmother, Anna, was still alive, Mary-Ann and I [John, your Editor on this journey] made her a promise that we would write a book about the family. Over the years we have collected stories, documents and pictures, but because we had to keep making and eating that really great food, the book stayed on the back burner [sorry]. With the advent of the internet, however, we now have the tools to create and update a living body of information that reflects – both to ourselves and to others – who we are.
To Our Family Members: Please contribute stories and pictures. We have a limited amount of space, so be selective. For details about methods and formats, contact the Site Manager, whose e-mail is on the left margin. For the foreseeable future, this site will be a work-in-progress (like ourselves!), so please be tolerant of glitches. Remember – Family is all we got! (… and the food, don’t forget the food 😉

Web Site Revisions
This section lists the changes made to the web site since its original publication.
- 1998: Website creation
- 1999: Added Map of Italy
- 2000: Website re-design
- 2010: New domain name and site re-organization
- 2021: Website re-design